Feminicide from the Voices of Indigenous Women: Experiences from the Emergencia Comunitaria de Género Initiative

Femicide and feminicide are terms that are used to refer to, and to make visible, the murders of women. Historically theorized by the academy, these terms can oftentimes erase the experiences and knowledge of Indigenous and Afro-descendant women. In this forum "Femicide from the voices of indigenous women: experience of the Emergencia Comunitaria de Género initiative," Maritza del Carmen Yeh Chan, Patricia Torres Sandoval and Laura Hernández Pérez, leaders of CONAMI (National Coordinator of Indigenous Women of Mexico) will share their reflections on feminicide from the realities of Indigenous women and peoples. Taking place over Zoom and Facebook Live (@mujeresindigenasconamimexico), this forum will focus on the Emergencia Comunitaria de Género Initiative as a benchmark political response created by organized Indigenous women to work against feminicide. It will focus on the use of infoactivism and documentation to make feminicide visible from Indigenous contexts.

This forum is organized by CONAMI (Comisión Nacional de Mujeres Indigenas de Mexico), ECMIA (Enlace Continental de Mujeres Indígenas de las Americas), and RIAF (Red Interamericana Anti Femicida)

A recording of this charla can be found here.


Ni Una Menos: an urgent call in Argentina


Understanding Femicide from the Perspective of Perpetrators